
Meet our new Non-Executive Chairman – Mark Huxley FRSA

At PeopleClear Ltd, we are always looking at ways we can develop and grow the provision of SMCR technology and services for the financial services sector and that includes the development of our team. Which is why we are so pleased to tell you that we have recently appointed Mark Huxley FRSA as Non-Executive Chairman of the Company.

Mark is already a familiar face to PeopleClear SMCR having been involved at the very beginning to offer advice and support. His extensive experience in the insurance industry, means that Mark will also be a familiar face to many of you. He is considered a leading figure in the market, with a successful career that has includes Lloyd’s practitioner pioneering the first outsourced claims handling service in the UK general and speciality insurance markets.

Now officially a key part of the PeopleClear team, Mark brings his broad range of business expertise and strategic know-how, acquired over an extensive financial services commercial career, to continue to develop and grow our service offering.

Mark has carved out a career as a successful entrepreneur by starting and scaling a range of businesses spanning technology and marketing that continue to serve the insurance community today. Mark currently serves as Master of the prestigious Company of Entrepreneurs, soon to be one of the newest full Livery Companies.

With a passion for using the power of business to drive positive change, Mark proudly serves on the boards of social mobility charities and the professional standards board of a London university. Additionally, he provides visiting lectures to other London academic institutions, offering students valuable insights from his wealth of experience.

Andrew Pullman, Founder and CEO of PeopleClear said, “I am thrilled to be working with Mark again; he was there during the early days of the business development and provided invaluable support – especially with the appointment of Fast Fwd as our technology partners. Now he is able to offer strategic input as our chairman, and through his extensive network help grow the business.”

The road to compliance can look daunting, which is why Andrew, Mark and the rest of the PeopleClear team have the tools, training, and support to successfully steer you towards compliance. Get in touch now to find out how we can help.